Our Aoife Wilson and Chris Bratt, who captured the gameplay in the video, asked Ubisoft developers about this feature during a recent hands-on event. Just every other aspect of your whole life.' It means if you want to play The Fractured but Whole on a harder than normal difficulty, you have to play as a person of colour.ĭuring the process, South Park stalwart Eric Cartman will comment: 'Don't worry, this doesn't affect combat. Conversely, the harder the difficulty, the darker your character's skin. What's interesting is the easier the difficulty, the lighter your character's skin. What's different though is the difficulty affects the colour of your character's skin.ĭuring the character creation section of the game, which you can see in the video below (skip to the five minutes and 40 seconds mark), you select the difficulty of the game.
Ubisoft's comedy RPG South Park: The Fractured but Whole features various levels of difficulty, from easy to very difficult, much like most games.